The Syncone Over Denture system by

The SynCone Over Denture System is one restorative implant-supported removable option within the Ankylos Dental Implant System. The SynCone Over Denture System refers to the unique abutment–retainer design. SynCone has been developed for mandibular dentures with acceptable
esthetics, phonetics and vertical dimension to be relined immediately and loaded at implant placement.1,2,18–21 However, a delayed approach can be utilized if needed and SynCone can be utilized on the maxillary arch as well. The protocol utilizes four implants inserted between the mental foreman. The technique is cost-effective and can be completed in a single visit. This is extremely advantageous for the baby boomer and elderly population, where immediacy is important. The SynCone system relies on a unique stock pre-machined titanium abutment, which comes in either a 4- or 6-degree taper. The abutments come in a 15-degree angle correction if needed and can be rotated 360 degrees for precise alignment. The corresponding gold retainers come in either a 4- or 6-degree matching taper the unique fit of the gold retainers on the titanium abutments ensures an unimpeded fit. A settling phenomenon improves the retention as the patient functions over time. Patient selection should include healthy patients with adequate bone quality and quantity, healthy tissues and a stable existing denture and therapeutic occlusion.