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Dr. Qusai Al Khasawnah
Phd . Dental implant
Individually we are one drop....together we are an ocean
Amman - Jordan
Region, Abdullah Ghosheh Street. Address, Mamdouh Al Saraireh street - building 5 behind jaber complex
tel. +96265823345
fax +96265823346
mobile +962777788400
Colleagues, specialist referral and lectures
Privat practice:
In his office Dr. Qusai Alkhasawnah is specialized in implant and augmentative surgery.
Most of the patients are refered to the surgery.
If you are interested in cooperation with me
here is his contact address:
Amman - Jordan
Region, Abdullah Ghosheh Street. Address, Mamdouh Al Saraireh street - building 5 behind jaber complex
Tel. +96265823345
Fax +96265823346
Mobile +962777788400
Or send us an email at
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